Corporate Responsibility


Our commitment to integrating corporate responsibility (CR) and sustainability into all our business activities. We are integrating new ideas and sustainability into international engineering assignments for our clients. Making sustainability and innovation key.

At the same time, we are moving towards sustainable operations within our own organization, aiming to reduce our carbon footprint. We are also identifying where we can use our knowledge to give back to society, donating not only money but our time and expertise.

CSR and Integrity are becoming a more and more part of the procurement procedures of multinationals and governmental agencies, as a consequence of new national and international policies partly driven by external guidelines and legislation (e.g. UN Global Compact)

Greenage is a partner and supporter of the UN Global Compact since 2008. UNGC is the world’s largest corporate citizenship and sustainability initiative. We support and apply the ten UNGC principles on Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption (also see Integrity). We report our progress and activities annually with our Communication on Progress (COP).

Green age supports a number of good causes through sponsorship. Our particular areas of interest are activities relating to the transfer of our knowledge and major challenges in our own field of operations, for example the global water shortage. We also support student organisations with connections to our own professional disciplines.
